Title | "Breakdown" |
Year for Search | 1942 |
Authors | Williamson, Jack [John Stewart](1908-2006) |
Secondary Title | Astounding Science Fiction (New York) |
Volume / Edition | 28.5 |
Pagination | 9-26 |
Date Published | January 1942 |
Keywords | Male author, US author |
Annotation | Dystopia of union domination. The author says that it is not intended to be anti-labor but "to contrast the forces of social creation and the facts of social stagnation" (People Machines, 153). |
Additional Publishers | U.K. ed. Astounding Science Fiction 28. 5 (January 1942): 2-19. Rpt. in U.K. ed. Astounding Science Fiction 8.1 (December 1951): 2-36; in Journey to Infinity. Ed. Martin Greenberg (New York: Gnome Press, 1951), 110-44; in his People Machines (New York: Ace Books, 1971), 154-87, with an author’s note on 151-53; and in The Collected Stories of Jack Williamson Volume Seven: With Folded Hands and Searching Mind (Royal Oak, MI: Haffner Press, 2010), 19-54. |
Holding Institutions | Merril, MoU-St, PSt |
Author Note | (1908-2006) |
Full Text | 1942 Williamson, Jack [John Stewart] (1908-2006). “Breakdown.” Astounding Science Fiction (New York) 28.5 (January 1942): 9-26. U.K. ed. Astounding Science Fiction 28. 5 (January 1942): 2-19. Rpt. in U.K. ed. Astounding Science Fiction 8.1 (December 1951): 2-36; ; in Journey to Infinity. Ed. Martin Greenberg (New York: Gnome Press, 1951), 110-44; in his People Machines (New York: Ace Books, 1971), 154-87, with an author’s note on 151-53; and in The Collected Stories of Jack Williamson Volume Seven: With Folded Hands and Searching Mind (Royal Oak, MI: Haffner Press, 2010), 19-54. Merril, MoU-St, PSt Dystopia of union domination. The author says that it is not intended to be anti-labor but “to contrast the forces of social creation and the facts of social stagnation” (People Machines, 153). |