"City of Refuge"

Title"City of Refuge"
Year for Search1896
AuthorsBesant, Walter(1836-1901)
Secondary TitleThe Pall Mall Magazine
Volume / Edition8 - 10
Pagination463-86, 577-98; 115-39, 269-93, 431-54, 606-29; 127-49, 276-98
Date PublishedMarch - October 1896
KeywordsEnglish author, Male author

Much of the setting of the novel is an intentional community in the United States where a man from England is hiding from his past and the authorities. The community is, as the title suggests, presented, not entirely favorably, as a refuge from the world. The people wear unattractive clothing, work, eat, and meditate. No books allowed.

Additional Publishers

Rpt. in 3 vols. London: Chatto & Windus, 1896

Holding Institutions


Author Note


Full Text

1896 Besant, Walter (1836-1901). “The City of Refuge.” The Pall Mall Magazine 8 -10 (March - October 1896): 463-86, 577-98; 115-39, 269-93, 431-54, 606-29; 127-49, 276-98. Rpt. in 3 vols. London: Chatto & Windus, 1896. Hathi

Much of the setting of the novel is an intentional community in the United States where a man from England is hiding from his past and the authorities. The community is, as the title suggests, presented, not entirely favorably, as a refuge from the world. The people wear unattractive clothing, work, eat, and meditate. No books allowed.