Title | "Summertime" |
Year for Search | 2015 |
Authors | Belilovsky, Anatoly |
Secondary Title | SF Comet |
Pagination | EJournal |
Date Published | January 2015 |
Keywords | Male author, Russian-American author |
Annotation | Climate-change dystopia in which Dublin, Ireland is under water. |
Additional Publishers | Rpt. illus. in Little Blue Marble (June 19, 2017). https://littlebluemarble.ca/2017/06/19/summertime/; and in Little Blue Marble 2017: Stories of Our Changing Climate. Ed. Katrina Archer. Np: Ganache Media, 2017. EBook. |
URL | http://www.sfcomet.com/anatoly-belilovsky.html https://littlebluemarble.ca/2017/06/19/summertime/ |
Translation Note | Chinese trans. by Ninesnow |
Holding Institutions | EJournal |
Author Note | The Russian-American author was born in what is now the Ukraine, attended Princeton University, received his M.D. from the University of Connecticut School of Medicine, and is the Medical Director of Belilovsky Pediatrics in the New York City area. |
Full Text | 2015 Belilovsky, Anatoly. “Summertime.” SF Comet (January 2015) in English and Chinese (trans. by Ninesnow). http://www.sfcomet.com/anatoly-belilovsky.html. Rpt. illus. in Little Blue Marble (June 19, 2017). https://littlebluemarble.ca/2017/06/19/summertime/; and in Little Blue Marble 2017: Stories of Our Changing Climate. Ed. Katrina Archer. Np: Ganache Media, 2017. EBook. Climate-change dystopia in which Dublin, Ireland is under water. The Russian-American author was born in what is now the Ukraine, attended Princeton University, received his M.D. from the University of Connecticut School of Medicine, and is the Medical Director of Belilovsky Pediatrics in the New York City area. |