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Bell, Susan J. 1977. Teaching Teens Now. Extension Service - USDA 4-H-37.
Bell, Agatha L. 1983. Family process: A systems assessment. Doctoral diss., Texas Woman's University.
Beshears, Jeanette Frances. 1968. Room decoration in 4-H. Honors thesis, California Polytechnic Institute.
Bettencourt, Pamela. 1973. The 4-H and Mexican Americans. Honors thesis, California Polytechnic Institute.
Bewick, T. L. 1937. The place of prizes in the club program. Annual report of state 4-H club leaders.
Bholasingh, Deokee. 1996. Attitude to and likelihood to continue in 4-H and young farmers' clubs in Trinidad. Master's thesis, University of the West Indies -- St. Augustine, Trinidad.
