Development of a tool to assess past food insecurity of immigrant Latino mothers

TitleDevelopment of a tool to assess past food insecurity of immigrant Latino mothers
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2006
AuthorsKuyper, EM, Espinosa-Hall, G, Lamp, CL, Martin, AC, Metz, DL, Smith, D, Townsend, MS, Kaiser, LL
JournalJournal of Nutritional Education & Behavior
Keywordsfood insecurity, Latino, life course perspective

Objective : The purpose is to describe the development and validation of a tool to measure the degree of past food insecurity in an immigrant US population. Design: Focus group discussions and a structured interview. As a first step, focus group discussions were conducted among immigrant Latino mothers. Based on these discussions, an 8-item tool was developed and pilot-tested in a convenience sample of mothers. Setting: California. Participants: Twenty-two low-income Latino mothers with children, ages 4 to 5 years, in the focus groups and 85 low-income Latino and white mothers of young children in the structured interviews. Analyses: Constant comparative analysis, Cronbach a, Spearman correlations, Chi-square, and Kruskal-Wallis test. Results: Internal consistency of the remaining 7 items was good (Cronbach a = 0.84). Evidence of convergent validity included significant correlations between past food insecurity and maternal education (r = -0.45, p&@_3C.0001), crowding in the mother's childhood household (r = +0.30, p&@_3C.006), and past food insufficiency (r = +0.74, p&@_3C.0001). Foreign-born Latino mothers reported significantly greater levels of past food insecurity than US-born mothers, demonstrating discriminant validity (p&@_3C.01). Conclusions and Implications: This tool may be useful to determine how past deprivation influences current food choices and other nutrition-related behaviors in low-income Latino immigrants.


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Edited 4/18/14 SJC