Exporter 678:


de Rotrou, Jean Le Véritable Saint Genest. Ed. Lardborough, R.. London: Cambridge University Press, 1954.
Lebègue, Raymond. "Rotrou." Dictionnaire des Lettres françaises. Le Dix-septième siècle. Ed. Grente, Georges. Paris: Fayard, 1954. 897-899.
Cordiè, Carlo. "Su Jean Rotrou." Saggi e studi di letteratura francese. Padoue, Italie: CEDAM, 1954. 33-40.


Musser, Frederic The Dramas of Rotrou: A Revaluation. Yale U. (New Haven), 1955.
Leiner, Wolfgang Étude stylistique et littéraire de Venceslas, tragi-comédie de Jean Rotrou. U. Saarbrücken, Allemagne, 1955.
Herrick, Marvin. "Rotrou’s Tragicomedies." Tragicomedy: Its Origin and Development in Italy, France, and England. Série « The Illinois Studies in Language and Literature ». Urbana, Illinois: University of Illinois Press, 1955.


Shero, L.. "Alcmena and Amphitryon in Ancient and Modern Drama ." Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. 87 (1956): 192-240.
Lockert, Lacy. "Cosroès (Chosroes) by Jean Rotrou." The Chief Rivals of Corneille and Racine. Nashville, TN: The Vanderbilt U. Press, 1956. 267-317.
Yarrow, Philip. "A Note on Racine’s Thébaïde." French Studies (1956): 20-31.
Lindberger, Örjan The Transformations of Amphitryon. Almqvist & Wiksell. Stockholm, 1956.
de Rotrou, Jean Venceslas. Ed. Leiner, Wolfgang. Saarbrücken, Allemagne: West-Ost Verlag, 1956.
Lockert, Lacy. "Venceslas (Wenceslaus) by Jean Rotrou." The Chief Rivals of Corneille and Racine. Translated into English Blank Verse with Introductions. Nashville, TN: The Vanderbilt U. Press, 1956. 211-265.


Nelson, Robert. "Art and Salvation in Rotrou’s Le Véritable Saint Genest." The French Review. 30 (1957): 451-458.
Buffum, Imbrie. "A Baroque Tragedy: Saint Genest." Studies in the Baroque from Montaigne to Rotrou. New Haven, Connecticut: Yale U. Press, 1957. 212-239.


Lockert, Lacy. "Cosroès: Rotrou’s Best Play ." Studies in French-Classical Tragedy. Nashville: The Vanderbilt U. Press, 1958. 185-215.
Hubert, Judd. "Le réel et l'illusoire dans le théâtre de Corneille et de Rotrou." Revue des Sciences Humaines.9 (1958): 333-350.
Nelson, Robert. "Rotrou: The Play as Miracle." Play Within a Play: The Dramatist’s Conception of His Art. Shakespeare to Anouilh. New Haven, Connecticut: Yale U. Press, 1958. 36-46.


Leiner, Wolfgang Index des mots de Venceslas et Index des mots de Cosroès. Index du vocabulaire du théâtre classique. Paris: Klincksieck, 1960.
Sereni, Vittorio. "Laura Perseguitata." Teatro francese del grande secolo. Ed. Macchia, Giovanni. Turin, Italie: ERI Edizioni RAI, 1960. 61-124.
Alciatore, Jules C.. "Stendhal admirateur de Rotrou." The French Review. 32.3 (1960): 239-246.


Sellstrom, A. Donald. "Addenda to the Sources of Corneille’s L’Illusion comique." Modern Language Notes. 76.6 (1961): 533-536.
Villiers, André. "Conversions mémorables et grands exemples. Saint Genès." Le Cloître et la Scène. Essai sur les conversions d’acteurs. Paris: Nizet, 1961. 41-47.
