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Urban, Garri S. 2006. Tovarisch, I Am Not Dead. 2nd ed. Great Britain: Cyclops Vision Limited.
Joint Committee for the Aid of the Jews of Poland, Schoen Books Reprint, ed.. 2005. The Tragedy Of Polish Jewry. Jerusalem: Joint Committee for the Aid of the Jews of Poland, Schoen Books Reprint.
Egit, Jacob. 1974. Tsu A Nay Lebn (Tsvey Yor Yidisher Yishev In Nidershlezye). Wrocław: Wydawnictwo “Niderszlezje”.
Sulkiewicz, Krystyna, and Irena Bartkowiak-Drobek, eds.. 1995. Tułaecze Dzieci Exiled Children. Warsaw: Fundacja Archiwum Fotograficzne Tułacze.
Unity In Dispersion: A History Of The World Jewish Congress. 1948. New York: Institute of Jewish Affairs of the World Jewish Congress.
Szwarc, Szmul. 1981. Unter Royte Himlen. Melbourne: York Press.
Lanir, David. 1988. Urus. Israel: Beit Lochamei Hagettaot.
Langer, Lawrence L. 2006. Using And Abusing The Holocaust. Bloomington and Indianapolis: Indiana University Press.
Fuks, Tania. 1947. A Vanderung Iber Okupirte Gebitn. Buenos Aires: Central farband fun Polishe Yidn in Argentine.
Popoff, Alexandra. 2019. Vasily Grossman And The Soviet Century. New Haven and London: Yale University Press.
Nussbaum, Kalman (Klemens). 1984. Ve-Hafakh La-Hem Le-Ro’ets : Ha-Yehudim Ba-Tsava Ha-’Amami Ha-Polani Bi-Verit Ha-Mo’atsot. Tel Aviv: ha-Makhon le-heker ha-tefutsot, ha-Agudah le-heker toldot ha-Yehudim.
Langer, Lawrence L. 1982. Versions Of Survival: The Holocaust And The Human Spirit. Albany: State University of New York Press.
