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Bayer, Nancy, and Pappas, Lisa. "Accessibility Testing: Case History of Blind Testers of Enterprise Software." Technical Communication 53, no. 1 (2006): 32-38.
Borg, Johan, Lantz, Ann, and Gulliksen, Jan. "Accessibility to Electronic Communication for People with Cognitive Disabilities: A Systematic Search and Review of Empirical Evidence." Universal Access in the Information Society 14, no. 4 (2015): 547-562.
Schmetzke, Axel, and Comeaux, David. "Accessibility Trends among Academic Library and Library School Web Sites in the USA and Canada." Journal of Access Services 6, no. 1-2 (2009): 137-152.
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Fernandes, Nádia, Lopes, Rui, and Lasige, Luís Carriço. "An Architecture for Multiple Web Accessibility Evaluation Environments." LNCS 6765 (2011): 206-214.
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Huprich, Julia, and Green, Ravonne A.. "Assessing the Library Homepages of COPLAC Institutions for Section 508 Accessibility Errors : Who's Accessible , Who's Not , and How the Online WebXACT Assessment Tool Can Help Assessing the Library Homepages of COPLAC Institutions for Section 508 Acc." Journal of Access Services 4, no. 1-2 (2006): 59-73.
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