Locke first appeared in print while still an Oxford undergraduate.
His earliest published works were five poems written upon different occasions from 1654 to 1668.
Two poems, one in Latin and the other in English, were included in a collection of Oxford verses
celebrating the victory of the Protectorate in the first Anglo-Dutch War.
Eight years and one Restoration later, Locke contributed to two other collections
commemorating the restoration and the marriage of Charles II to Catharine of Braganza.
The fifth poem, a commendation of Locke’s medical colleague Thomas Sydenham,
was appended to successive editions of Sydenham’s treatise on fevers.
“In tractatum de febribus D.D. Sydenham,
praxin medicam apud Londinenses mira solertia æque ac fælicitate exercentis” /
J. Lock. A.M. ex Æde Christi Oxon. // IN:
Thomæ Sydenham Med. Doct. Methodus curandi febres,
propriis observationibus superstructa. Editio secunda, priori multò auctior ac emendatior; …
Londini, impensis J. Crook, apud quem veneunt …, MDCLXVIII [1668].
[20], 218, [2] p. 8o. Locke’s poem occupies four unnumbered preliminary pages.
“Febriles, aetus, victumque ardoribus orbem …”;
also appears in Sydenham’s
Observationes medicæ circa morborum acutiorum historiam et curationem
(1676) (sig. c3r-c4r)
Y 256, 257; C 8-9; Br 4; T 5; Wing S6133-6134; H&L 2814 [1676]
Summary of Reprints of Locke’s Poems
“Pax regit Augusti” was reprinted in:
“If Greece with so much mirth did entertain” was reprinted in:
“A peaceful sway the great Augustus bore”
[a translation of “Pax regit Augusti” that first appeared in State poems; continued … (1697)]
was reprinted in:
“Our prayers are heard!” was reprinted in:
“Crowns, scepters, thrones, & the whole state of kings” was reprinted in:
“In tractatum de febribus D.D. Sydenham …” was reprinted in:
State poems;
continued from the time of O. Cromwel, to the present year 1697.
Written by the greatest wits of the age …
With several poems in praise of Oliver Cromwel, in Latin and English …
Also some miscellany poems by the same, never before printed.
Now carefully examined with the originals, and published without any castration.
[London] Printed in the year MDCXCVII [1697]. 8o.
Second volume of a collection; the first volume is:
Poems on affairs of state: from the time of Oliver Cromwell, to the abdication of K. James the Second.
Written by the greatest wits of the age. … With some miscellany poems by the same:
most whereof never before printed. Now carefully examined with the originals, and published without any castration.
Printed in the year 1697. 8o.
See “Pax regit Augusti, quem vicit Julius, orbem: …” =
“A peaceful sway the great Augustus bore …” / J. Locke, ex Æde Christi
(p. 8) [English translation, by the editor of the collection] and
“If Greece with so much mirth did entertain …” / J. Locke, Student of Ch.Ch. (p. 12-13)
Y 252.1; C 9; Wing P2719-2720
Also included in the following editions of Poems on affairs of state:
(a) The third edition, corrected and much enlarged. Printed in the year 1699;
(b) The fourth edition, corrected and much enlarged. Printed in the year, 1702; and
(c) Printed in the year MDCCIII [1703] (does not include “If Greece with so much mirth ….”
Y 252.2. 253, 253.1; Wing P2721
A new collection of poems relating to state affairs, from Oliver Cromwel to the present time:
By the greatest wits of the age: wherein, not only those that are contain’d in the three volumes already published are incerted,
but also large additions of chiefest note, never before published. The whole from their respective originals, without castration.
London, printed in the year, M D CC V [1705]. 8o.
See “If Greece with so much mirth did entertain …” / J. Locke, Student of Ch.Ch. (p. 174-175)
Y 254; Wing P2721
“Verses on several occasions.” // IN:
The remains of John Locke Esq; … 1714. Pages 17-20.
Includes “Pax regit Augusta …”,
“Crowns, scepters …”, and
“Febriles, ætus, victumque …”
C 9
“To Oliver Cromwel: by the famous Mr. Locke.” // IN:
A collection of epigrams. To which is prefix'd, A critical dissertation on this species of poetry. …
London : printed for J. Walthoe, over-against the Royal-Exchange, in Cornhill. M. DCC. XXVII. [1727].
8o. xxiii, [265] pages.
See “A peaceful sway the great Augustus bore”
[English translation of item #1] (sig. E4v).
Also: The second edition, with additions.
London. Printed for J. Walthoe, over-against the Royal-Exchange, in Cornhill;
and sold by J. Osborn, at the Golden Ball, in Pater-noster-row. M.DCC.XXXV.[-M.DCC.XXXVII.] [1735-1737].
See [volume 1] sig. E1r.
“To Oliver Cromwell” / by Mr. John Locke. // IN:
A short critical review of the political life of Oliver Cromwell,
Lord-Protector of the Commonwealth of England, Scotland, and Ireland.
By a gentleman of the Middle-Temple. London: printed for J. Hodges, 1739. Page 318.
”A peaceful sway the great Augustus bore …”
[English translation of item #1]
Compiled by John Banks;
also issued: (1) London: printed for the author, and sold by J. James, 1739;
(2) Dublin: printed by S. Powell for J. Smith and A. Bradley, 1739.
“Two juvenile productions of Locke’s.
To the editor of the Monthly repository. Clapton, April 15, 1810." / R. // IN:
The monthly repository of theology and general literature. – 5 (1810):232-233.
“Pax regit Augusti” [with an English translation]
and ”If Greece with so much mirth”
[reprinted from Locke #1 above].
Drafts and Unpublished Papers
Although these poems were the only writings Locke published during his years at Oxford,
he did write several works which were not published during his lifetime.
In 1660-1661, he drafted two tracts, one in English and one in Latin,
on the power of the magistrate in matters of religious practice (first published from Locke’s manuscript in 1961).
This subject involved a consideration of the law of nature, a topic to which he devoted much attention for several years
and which was the subject of his 1664 lectures on moral philosophy (published in 1954).
In the meantime, his medical and scientific studies involved him in collaboration with such men as Robert Boyle and Thomas Sydenham.
His work with Sydenham resulted in drafts of several medical treatises.
In time, events drew Locke away from the academic life.
In 1665-1666 he served as secretary to the diplomatic mission of Sir Walter Vane to the court of Brandenburg at Cleves.
In the summer of 1666, he met by chance Anthony Ashley Cooper, Lord Ashley, later 1st Earl of Shaftesbury.
Charmed by Locke’s conversation and impressed by his medical skills, Ashley invited Locke to join his household as his personal physician.
From 1667 until the Earl’s death in 1683, Locke served his patron in a number of administrative and personal capacities
and was encouraged to turn his mind to public issues, such as toleration of dissenters, rates of interest, colonial policy, and politics –
as well as continuing his studies in medicine and moral philosophy.
Shaftesbury’s household was a stimulating environment, for the Earl was in the thick of English political life,
first as a major figure in Charles II’s government and then (after 1675) as its chief opponent.
Out of this period in Locke’s life came the initial formulations of many of his later writings.
In 1667, for example, he drafted an “Essay concerning toleration” (published in 1961).
In 1668, he drew up a memorandum on interest rates,
in which he first set down the ideas contained in the economic writings published after 1690 (the memorandum was published in 1963).
The Two treatises of government were probably written sometime between 1679 and 1683 (no draft has survived).
Most important, the first two drafts of An essay concerning human understanding date from 1671
(“Draft A” was published in 1936; “Draft B” was published in 1931).
In addition to these “formal” writings, Locke kept journals and notebooks,
in which he recorded observations on a variety of topics, and conducted a voluminous correspondence.
Much of this material has survived, most of it now assembled in the Bodleian Library.
Since 1950 most of the major manuscript pieces have been published and more are being prepared for inclusion in the
Clarendon edition of Locke’s works.
The Fundamental Constitutions of Carolina (1670)
During his years in Shaftesbury’s household, Locke served in
a number of administrative positions. During the Earl’s
tenure as Lord Chancellor, Locke was made Secretary of
Appointments and Presentations (1672-1675). In 1673-1674,
he served as secretary to the Council of Trade and
Plantations, and from 1671-1675, as secretary to the Lords
Proprietors of Carolina. In this latter capacity, he was
involved in the drafting of the “Fundamental Constitutions
of Carolina.” The extent of his involvement in not known,
although some contemporaries later assigned him a major
role. An early draft is in the Shaftesbury Papers
at the Public Record Office [PRO 30/24/47/3; published in
“Report on the Shaftesbury papers” / W. Noel Sainsbury.
The fundamental constitutions of Carolina has been
frequently attributed to him and has regularly appeared in editions of his works.
The fundamental constitutions of Carolina.
[London, 1670]. [2], 25, [1] p. 2o.
Dated 1. March 1669[=1670] (p. 25)
Wing2 L2734; C 10
The fundamental constitutions of Carolina.
[London, 1682]. 23, [1] p. 2o.
Dated “Twelfth day of January, one thousand six hundred eighty
one”[=1682] (p.23)
H&L 594; Wing L2744; C 10
“The fundamental constitutions of Carolina.”
Numb. 2 [in a collection of documents appended to] The case of Protestant dissenters in Carolina,
shewing how a law to prevent occasional conformity there, has ended in the total
subversion of the constitution in church and state.
Recommended to the serious consideration of all that are
true friends to our present establishment.
London, printed in the year 1706. Pages 12-24.
The case
incorrectly attributed to Daniel Defoe by J.R. Moore.
The fundamental constitutions of Carolina was included in
A collection of several pieces
1720 and 1739 [Locke #787-788] and in editions of Locke’s Works
beginning with the 5th edition (1751) [Locke #852].
“The first set of the fundamental constitutions of South Carolina.”
As compiled by Mr. John Locke. // IN:
An historical account of the rise and progress of the colonies of South Carolina and Georgia.
[London] : Printed for Alexander Donaldson, London, 1779. 8o. Vol. 1:321-347.
Collection compiled by Alexander Hewatt.
“The first set of the fundamental constitutions of South Carolina” /
as compiled by Mr. John Locke. // IN:
Historical collections of South Carolina : embracing many rare and
valuable pamphlets, and other documents, relating to the
history of that state
/ compiled, with various notes,
and an introduction, by B.R. Carroll.
New York : Harper, 1836. v. 2:361-390.
C 10
“Fundamental constitutions of Carolina.” // IN:
North Carolina charters and constitutions, 1578-1698 /
Mattie Erma Edwards Parker, editor.
Raleigh, N.C. : Carolina Charter Tercentenary Commission, 1963.
(The colonial records of North Carolina). p. 128-240.
Includes both the 1669 draft
and the printed editions.
B 186
The fundamental constitutions of Carolina was also included in
Political writings / John Locke ;
edited and with an introduction by David Wootton (1993). p. 210-232;
extracts were included in A letter concerning toleration and other writings (2010). – p. 146-148.
The fundamental constitutions of Carolina. French.
A French translation by Bernard Gilson
was published in 1967 [item #178]
“Carolina” (1671)
In the summer of 1671, Peter Colleton, one of the Lords Proprietors of Carolina,
wrote to Locke asking him “to gett of my lord [Ashley] those mapps of Cape feare & Albemarle”
for inclusion in the atlas of America being prepared by John Ogilby.
In addition to the map, Locke made notes for a description of Carolina.
The article on Carolina in the atlas was written from Locke’s notes
and was probably written by Locke. See the article by Farr cited below.
“Carolina.” // IN:
America: being the latest, and most accurate description of the nevv vvorld; containing the original of the inhabitants,
and the remarkable voyages thither,
Collected and translated from the most authentick authors, augmented with later observations;
illustrated with notes, and adorn’d with peculiar maps and proper sculptures, by John Ogilby Esq; …
London, printed by Tho. Johnson for the author, and are to be had at his house in White Fryers, M.DC.LXX [1671]. 2o. Pages 205-212.
The date of publication is incorrect, as the atlas includes content dated 1671.
A letter from a person of quality (1675)
Like The fundamental constitutions of Carolina,
A letter from a person of quality has often been attributed to Locke and
frequently included in editions of his works. His
authorship is a matter of dispute and it is most likely that
this tract on the protest in the House of Lords against the
Test Act was written largely by Shaftesbury himself,
with the assistance of various colleagues and political advisors,
possibly including Locke.
A letter from a person of quality, to his friend in the country.
[London], Printed in the year 1675. 34 p. 4o.
Wing S2897; C 9
“A letter from a person of quality, to his friend in the country.” // IN:
State tracts: being a collection of several treatises relating to government.
Privately printed in the reign of K. Charles II.
London: printed in the year 1689. Pages 41-55.
H&L 2759; Wing S5329; C 9
A letter from a person of quality was included in
A collection of several pieces
1720, 1724 and 1739 [Locke #787-788] and in editions of Locke’s Works
beginning with the 5th edition (1751) [Locke #852].
A letter from a person of quality is included in
Locke #952A, p. 335-376.
A letter from a person of quality. Abridgment.
“A letter from a person of quality to his friend in the
country : giving an account of the debates in the House of
Lords, in April and May 1675, concerning a bill, entitled, A
bill to prevent the dangers which may arise from persons
disaffected to the government” / written by Mr. Locke. // IN:
Cobbett’s Parliamentary history of England :
from the Norman conquest, in 1066, to the year 1803
London : printed by T.C. Hansard : published by R. Bagshaw : and sold
by J. Budd [and others], 1806-20. 4 (1808):col. xxxvii-lxviii.
An abridged version.
Contributions to Learned Journals
Articles in Philosophical transactions (1675-1705)
Locke’s activities during his years with Shaftesbury were
not confined to politics and administration. While at
Oxford, he had been involved in scientific studies with
Robert Boyle and Richard Lower. In 1667 he began a fruitful
collaboration with Dr. Thomas Sydenham.
In 1668 he was elected Fellow of the Royal
Society. He was active for several years thereafter as a
member of the committee to organize experiments and
demonstrations for the Society’s meetings. Throughout his
life, he occasionally contributed to the Philosophical
transactions mostly scientific observations, either his own
or extracted from his correspondence. On Locke’s scientific
activities, his relationship with Boyle and his
participation in the Royal Society, see
M.A. Stewart, “Locke’s professional contacts with Robert Boyle” (1981)
“An extract of a letter, written to the publisher by Mr. J.L.
about poisonous fish in one of the Bahama Islands.” // IN:
Philosophical transactions. Numb. 114 (May 24, 1675):312.
From a letter from Richard Lilburne, 6 Aug. 1674;
the entire letter appears in Locke’s correspondence [Locke #847, vol. 1:406-407].
Y 258; C 13
“Account of a not yet described scolopendra marina,”
by Thomas Molyneux, M.D. S.R.S.
Communicated by Mr. Locke. // IN:
Philosophical transactions. For the month of February 1696/7. Numb. 225:405-412.
Molyneux published a supplementary notice in Numb. 251 (April 1699):127-129.
Y 259; C 79
“An account of one who had horny excresencies or extraordinary large nails on his fingers and toes,”
by Mr. Locke. // IN:
Philosophical transactions. For the month of July 1697. Numb. 230:694[=594]-596.
Letters dated 24, 30 May 1678.
Y 260; C 79; Br 20
“Part of a letter giving an account of a person
who can neither read nor write, yet will reckon summs to great exactness.”
Communicated by Mr. Locke. // IN:
Philosophical transactions. For the month of July, 1701. Numb. 272:893-894.
Letter dated: Rotterdam, March 25, 1701;
from a letter from Benjamin Furly to his son Arent,
forwarded by Locke to Dr. Hans Sloane in a letter of 14 July 1701.
Y 261; C 13
“A register of the weather for the year 1692, kept at Oates in Essex.” By Mr. John Locke. // IN:
Philosophical transactions. For the month of April 1705. Numb. 298:1917-1937.
Part of Locke’s register for 1691-1703;
the original manuscript is in the British Library [MS. Sloane 4039, ff. 261-270].
Another of Locke’s weather registers, covering 1666-83, was included
in Boyle’s General history of the air [Locke #521]
Y 262; C 13; Br 41
In the Clarendon edition [Locke #861],
the weather register will be included with Locke’s Writings on medicine and natural philosophy
[Locke #931].
Reviews in Le Clerc’s Bibliothèque universelle (1686-1688)
In 1681, Shaftesbury and his followers saw the end of their
influence. The Earl went underground and eventually fled to
Holland, where he died in 1683. Locke’s life now entered a
new phase. Successively an Oxford academic and the client
of a noble lord, he was now, at age 50, thrown upon his own
devices in particularly precarious times. As an associate
of Shaftesbury, he was suspected by the government of
Charles II. His health, always a matter of concern, was
declining. He decided to follow his patron’s example and
retire quietly to Holland.
He arrived in Holland with a head full of ideas and
(perhaps) a trunk full of manuscripts, but with few
published works to his credit. By the time he returned to
England in 1689, he was ready to launch himself as an
author. The Dutch “republic of letters” had offered him
asylum from political worries, a stimulating intellectual
environment, and the opportunity to bring his works to fruition.
Among Locke’s new friends was Jean Le Clerc, a young
Remonstrant pastor and editor of the literary journal
Bibliothèque universelle et historique.
It was Le Clerc who next brought Locke into print, first as a reviewer of books.
The reviews are not signed, so it is not certain which should be attributed to Locke.
Yolton considers the evidence for his authorship of the reviews of Boyle, Sydenham, and Newton to be strong.
In addition Rosalie Colie, “John Locke in the republic of letters” (1960)
attributes to him the following reviews in the 1686 volumes:
Ray, J. Methodus plantarum (1682), reviewed in Bibliothèque universelle. Tome 3:1-7.
The book reviewed here is actually Ray’s Historia plantarum, volume 1 (1686),
not the Methodus which was reviewed in 1688.
Locke owned a copy of the Methodus, but not of the Historia.
Burnet, G. Critique du neuvième livre de l’histoire de Mr. Varillas,
reviewed in Bibliothèque universelle. Tome 3:130-138.
Locke did own a copy of this book (H&L 520).
Bayle, P. Commentaire philosophique,
reviewed in Bibliothèque universelle. Tome 3:335-360.
Locke did own a copy of this book (H&L 236).
Pufendorf, S. De rebus Suecis,
reviewed in Bibliothèque universelle. Tome 3:424-484.
Locke did not own a copy of this book.
“De specificorum remediorum cum corpusculari philosophia concordia,
cui accessit dissertation de varia simplicium medicamentorum utilitate, usuque.
Ex Anglico in Latinum sermonem traducebat D.A. M.D. Auctore Roberto Boyleo, nobili Anglo Societatis Regiæ Socio.
Londini 1686. in 12.”
[review]. // IN:
Bibliothèque universelle et historique de l’année 1686. Tome 2:263-277.
Y 263; C 13
“Schedula monitoria de novæ febris ingressu per Tho. Sydenham M.D.
Londin. 1686. p. 115. & reimprimé a Amsterdam chez Wetstein en 1687.” // IN:
Bibliothèque universelle et historique de l’année 1687.
Tome 6:553-559.
Y 264; C 13
“Méthode nouvelle de dresser des recueils” (1686)
In 1685, Locke included in a letter to his friend Nicolas
Toinard (see Locke #847, vol. 2:710-711)
an account of his technique for constructing and indexing notebooks.
English and Latin
versions survive in Toinard’s papers,
as well as a copy of the Latin version in the Lovelace Collection.
A French translation of this account by Le Clerc was published in the Bibliothèque universelle et historique;
it was subsequently translated into English, Dutch and German; and was frequently adapted by other authors.
“Méthode nouvelle de dresser des recueuils.”
Communiqué par l’auteur. // IN:
Bibliothèque universelle & historique de l’année M. D. C. LXXXVI [1686]. Tome second.
A Amsterdam, chez Wolfgang, Waesberge, Boom, & van Someren. M. D. C. LXXXVI. [1686]. Pages 315-340.
French translation by Jean Le Clerc,
from Locke’s English and/or Latin versions.
Tome II was reprinted several times.
The following details are based on J. R. Milton’s Textual Introduction to Literary and hstorical works (pages 150-156).
The first edition had 505 pages.
A reprint dated 1686 had 482 pages (the final article being omitted).
A further reprint is a page-for-page reprint of the first edition, with 505 pages;
of two copies examined by Milton, one is dated 1686 and the other 1688.
A second edition was published in 1687, and a third in 1688.
Y 266; C 11; Br 5
The French version appeared in Oeuvres diverses (1710, 1732) [Locke #868-869]
and in Oeuvres philosophiques (1821-25) [Locke #870].
All versions are printed in Literary and historical writings (pages 215-306)
in the Clarendon edition of the works of John Locke.
Méthode nouvelle de dresser des recueils.
A new method of making common-place-books;
written by the late learned Mr. John Lock, author of the Essay concerning humane understanding.
Translated from the French.
To which is added something from Monsieur Le Clerc, relating to the same subject.
A treatise necessary for all gentlemen, especially students of divinity, physick, and law.
There are also added two letters, containing a most useful method of instructing persons
that are deaf and dumb, or that labour under any impediments of speech, to speak distinctly;
writ by the late learned Dr. John Wallis, Geometry Professor Oxon, and F.R.S.
London: printed for J. Greenwood …, 1706. [6], v, [1], 60 p. 8o.
“Adversariorum methodus, or the method of common places” appears on pages 1-24.
Published 1 February 1706 [notice in the Daily courant for that date.
Y 267; C 11-12
“A new method of a common-place-book.” // IN:
Posthumous works of Mr. John Locke … (1706). [Locke #724].
Pages 312-336.
Published 25 June 1706 [notice in the Daily courant for 26 June].
This English translation also appeared in two editions of the Essay
(Locke #255 and Locke #257),
and in all editions of Locke’s Works.
Méthode nouvelle de dresser des recueils.
Eene nieuwe manier om verzaamelingen of aantekeningen te maaken,
opgesteld en gemeen gemaakt door Johannes Locke.
En uit het Fransch (de oorspronkelyke taal, daar het in geschreven, en in de Bibliotheque universelle,
tome second, te vinden is) in het Nederduitsch overgezet.
En ook tegens de Englische vertaaling, achter The posthumous works of Mr. John Locke gevoegd, naagezien.
Te Amsterdam, by Kornelis de Wit,
[4], 24, [2] p. 4o.
Y 268; Schoneveld [1]
Other printings: (1) Te Amsterdam, By Kornelis de Wit, Boekverkooper. MDCCLVII [1757].
iii, [1], 50 p. 4o; (2) Derden druk. Te Amsterdam, By Kornelis de Wit, Boekverkooper. MDCCLXII [1762];
(3) Vierden druk. Te Amsterdam by S. J. Baalde, boekverkooper. 1769. [6], 50 p. 4o.
Y 269-271; Schoneveld [2]
Méthode nouvelle de dresser des recueils.
Des berühmten Engelländers/ Herrn Johann Locks
Neuerfundene Manier/ Excerpta und Locos Communes einzurichten. Nebst allerhand curiösen Anmerckungen.
Aus dem Frantzösischen übersetzet.
Franckfurt und Leipzig/ Gedruckt und verlegt durch Johan von Wiering. 1711. [2], 30 pages. 8o.
Y 272
Méthode nouvelle de dresser des recueils. Adaptations.
Placcius, V.
De arte excerpendi vom gelahrten Buchhalten liber singularis
Bell’s Common-place-book,
form’d generally upon the principles recommended and practiced by Mr. Locke.
London. Printed for John Bell, 1770. [2], 8 p. 4o.
According to W. H. Bond, Thomas Hollis of Lincoln’s Inn (1990),
Hollis may have provided Bell with quotations from radical Whigs to use as examples.
A new common-place book.
In which the plan recommended and practised by John Locke, Esq. is enlarged and improved
by a gentleman of the University of Cambridge. Third edition
Cambridge, printed for John Nicholson, and sold by John & Joseph Merill,
booksellers in Cambridge; J. & F. Rivington, and S. Crowder, in London; and J. Fletcher, in Oxford. 1783.
[2], 4 p.+ 2o.
A new commonplace book;
being an improvement on that recommended by Mr. Locke;
Second edition.
London. Printed for J. Walker. 1799. 8 p.+ 8o.
C 12
Common place book, formed generally upon the principles
recommended and practiced by John Locke, Esq.
London: printed by A. MacPherson [and others]. 1800.
8 p. + numerous blank leaves 8o.
Also published: Philadelphia : S.F. Bradford, 1801.
T 174
Common place-book, on the principles practised by John Locke, Esq.
New Haven : I. Cooke, 1804. 4 leaves.
Common place book, formed generally upon the principles recommended and practised, for twenty five years
by John Locke, Esq.
A new edition, newly arranged and simplified / by R. Pitkeathley.
London : printed for R. Pitkeathley, [1840?]. [2 leaves], 24 p.
Epitome of An essay concerning human understanding (1688)
Locke’s sojourn in Holland was extremely productive.
He began to find his identity as an author, bringing to completion and preparing for publication several projects begun earlier.
The principal fruit of this period was the great Essay concerning human understanding.
The early drafts of the 1670’s had been taken up, expanded and refined.
The new draft [Draft C] was completed in 1686
and was read by several of Locke’s friends in England.
After he returned to England in 1689, he sent the manuscript to the printer,
and it was published in December of that year [Locke #228].
Before he left Holland, however, he presented a preview of his work to the public in the form of a French epitome.
This was based on an English epitome written by Locke in 1684 or 5;
this version has been published from Locke’s manuscript
[MS. Locke c. 28, ff. 52-82]
by Lord King [in Locke #895].
This was the basis for a French version by Le Clerc and published in the Bibliothèque universelle.
Ironically, it was subsequently translated back into English by the “Athenian Society” in 1692.
For a description of these versions of the epitome and a discussion of its date, content, and significance,
see Hill & Milton, “The epitome (Abrégé) of Locke’s Essay” (2003); and
Walmsley, “Dating the ‘Epitome’ of the Essay : an update” (2012)
Le Clerc reviewed the first edition of the Essay in 1690,
as he was regularly to review editions and translations of Locke’s works,
often including substantial extracts translated into French from the books reviewed.
These reviews were a major factor in exposing Locke’s ideas to the non-English-speaking European intellectual world.
“Extrait d’un livre anglois qui n’est pas encore publié,
intitulé Essai philosophique concernant l’entendement,
où l’on montre quelle est l’étenduë de nos connoissances certaines,
& la maniere dont nous y parvenons.” Communique par Monsieur Locke. // IN:
Bibliothèque universelle & historique de l’année 1688. Tome 8:49-142.
French translation
by Jean Le Clerc.
Y 273; C 12; Br 6
Abregé d’un ouvrage intitulé Essai philosophique touchant l’entendement.
A Amsterdam M DC LXXXVIII [1688]. [4], 92 p. 12o.
Locke had the “Extrait” printed as a separate piece with
this new title and including the dedication of the Essay to the Earl of Pembroke.
For a discussion of what might be Lockes copy, see J. S. Yolton,
“Locke’s copy of the Extract (Abregé) of his Essay (1688)?” (1996)
Y 274; C 12; Br 6; H&L 1802a
“An extract of a book, entituled, A philosophical essay upon human understanding,
wherein is shewn the extension of certain knowledge, and the manner of attaining to it:” by Mr. Lock. // IN:
The young=students=library,
containing, extracts and abridgments of the most valuable books printed in England, and in the forreign journals
By the Athenian Society
London, printed for John Dunton,
1692. 2o. Pages 162-179.
English translation of the “Extrait”;
the Athenian Society was the creation of the bookseller John Dunton
and their number included Locke’s opponent John Norris;
might Norris have been responsible for this translation?
Y 275; C 12; Wing D2635
Abridgements of the Essay concerning human understanding and other philosophical writings, 1672-1689 / John Locke ;
edited by J. R. Milton. – Oxford : Clarendon Press, in preparation. –
(Clarendon edition of the works of John Locke)
Unverified; ; see The Clarendon edition of the works of John Locke.
Epitome of An essay concerning human understanding. Dutch.
Korte inhoud van een werk genaamt Wysgeerige proeven aangaande het menschelyk verstand,
door den herr John Locke. Te Antwerpen, voor Willem Jugla,
[4], 140 p.
Y 132.2; Schoneveld *[3]
Epitome of An essay concerning human understanding. Italian.
An Italian translation by Mario Sina appeared in Locke #873.